Friday, October 23, 2009

St. Joseph the Betrothed Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Chicago

Biserica Sf. Iosif din Chicago apartine ucrainienilor catolici de rit bizantin. A fost ridicata in anii '70 si este foarte cunoscuta pentru acoperisul "ultra modern", cele 12 cupole aurii simbolizandu-i pe cei 12 Apostoli iar cupola mare din mijloc pe Iisus Hristos.

St. Joseph the Betrothed Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church is a Ukrainian church located in Chicago, Illinois and belonging to (and second largest in) the St. Nicholas Eparchy for the Ukrainian Catholics. It is most known for a church building with an ultra-modern thirteen gold domed roof symbolizing the twelve apostles and Jesus Christ as the largest center dome.

Architect: Zenon Mazurkevich

1 comment:

  1. Aceasta arhitectura a biserici ucraineiene e cam prea moderna si cam ciudata fata de bisericele ortodoxe ale noastre
